Rendang or randang 
is a typical Indonesian western Sumatra cuisine with spicy flavored meat that uses a mixture of various native Indonesian spices and spices. This dish is produced from a cooking process that is heated repeatedly with a lot of thick coconut milk. The cooking process takes hours (usually around four hours) to dry and solid black. At room temperature, rendang can last very long to weeks without preservatives. Rendang cooked in a shorter time and the coconut milk has not dried up called kalio, golden brown in color
Rending is usually cooked in a large portion during traditional ceremonies or wedding events and a big day for the main dish of food dishes at the restaurant.

Recipe for Making Soft Original and Soft Padang Rendang
 1 kg Beef choice, cut the size according to taste
 3 Old coconuts, make thick coconut milk
 15 items of onion
 8 garlic cloves
 1 ounce of red chili (critical)
 2 cm Ginger
 2 cm thick galangal
 1 teaspoon of powdered pepper
 2 lemongrass geprek first
 2 candis seeds
 2 pieces of deaf flowers
 3 sheets of orange leaf
 4 sheets of bay leaves
 1 sheet of turmeric leaves
 Salt
 Sugar sands
Supplementary material
▪ Serundeng coconut that has been roasted in advance
 1 ounce Heart of small cubes then boiled
How to make Rendang Padang
1. Blend first the red and white onions, chili, ginger and galangal
2. Start pressing beef that has been cut into pieces with mashed spices, wait until the steam and the meat are dried.
3. Enter thick coconut milk, pepper powder, lemongrass, kandis acid, deaf flowers, orange leaves, bay leaves, salt and sugar, then stir until evenly distributed, do not forget the turmeric leaves as well but tear it first
4. Wait for the coconut milk to boil, and slightly remove the oil, then reduce the heat
5. Combine the complementary ingredients into the rendang then stir again until evenly distributed
6. Keep stirring so that the rendang doesn't stick to the pan, wait until the rendang changes color and dries
7. Lift the rendang, and it's ready to be served.
1. To add to the tenderness of the rendang meat that we make, try to cut the meat should be hit or cracked first and then put it on
2. In the process of gluing soft and tasty rendang meat usually requires a long time of more or less a full night or a whole day, so that the spices used are permeated
3. In cooking coconut milk try the coconut milk does not break and the way is by using circular movements upwards like when drawing.
That is the recipe for making Padang Original Soft and Tasty Rendang, serving for more delicious use of warm rice, fresh vegetables or vegetables that are only boiled, usually the buds of sweet potato leaves and green sauce.
