If you visit Riau Province which has a variety of cultures,
 customs and various types of typical foods that are loved by all people,
both local and tourists. One of them is traditional food from Kampar Regency, whose name also uses the local language, namely BUGI LOPEK.

And if interpreted into Indonesian, Lopek means Lepat, Bugi means Ketan. Lopek Bugi means sticky rice. Lopek Bugi was once a typical food served for nobility.

But now where Lopek Bugi is like it has become a compulsory dish in big celebration days such as religious and cultural events, such as Balimau Bakasai, the birthday of Kampar Regency and other celebrations.

With the development of the times, Lopek Bugi is now easily found and can be purchased both in souvenir shops typical of Riau and in outlets located along the street Pekanbaru-Bangkinang. Because now, Lopek Bugi has been produced every day, even with large parties.

Now, in Kampar Regency there is a village where many of its residents have searches derived from selling Lopek Bugi, so that many residents are elevated from selling economics to selling Lopek Bugi. The name of the place is the village of Lake Bingkuang which is located on Jalan Pekanbaru-Bangkinang 34 Km from downtown Pekanbaru.

Lake Bingkuang village is very strategic place, because it is an east crossing road to West Sumatra. With the many vehicles passing through Lake Bingkuang, many outside visitors automatically stop to buy food that is now a souvenir of Kampar Riau.

In this village it is already very well known as a traditional location for traditional traditional snacks from Kampar. Not only lopek bugi, foods like jalo cakes, baked lemang, cheese sticks, banana chips, pineapple chips and others. The buyers are also not only from Kampar, but also come from neighboring regions such as from West Sumatra, Medan, Batam, some even from Malaysia and Singapore.

Currently in Bingkuang Village there are around 30 kiosks lined up along the road. Lopek-lopek was originally only wrapped in banana leaves and served using plates, but with the times, now it is packed in a plastic box so that it is easy to carry for souvenirs.

This typical Lopek bugi Kampar, has two colors, namely black and white.
The shape and presentation are almost the same as Lepat from West Sumatra.
Black and white do not come from coloring materials,
but indeed the language itself is black sticky rice and white sticky rice.
Every single package, usually there are 10 lopek bugi packs that are sold at 
a price of Rp. 10,000 per box.
According to the Head of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kadisparekraf) of Riau,
Fahmizal Usman through the Head of the Creative Economy 
and Cultural Arts Division of Riau Disparekraf R Dandun,
Lopek Bugi is also predicted as the flagship product of Riau SMEs,
in the face of the Asean free market .
"Although the form is simple, but it has been widely known to foreign countries,
Lopek Bugi is ready to compete with food from Asean countries.
Those of us who have lopek bugi,
Singapore people must be confused about how to make it," he said.
With the release of the Asean economy which will soon take effect in Indonesia,
Riau itself is ready to face it.
And it is expected that business people and creative economic actors need not worry,
because the positive impact is also wide open,
where the world will know about Lopek Bugi food and other typical Riau foods.
don't forget to try other riau specialties or other regions. 
